Privacy Policy
LLC “Arctic-M” acts within the limits of the Russian legislation and undertakes to not disclose or transfer to third parties personal information about individuals and confidential information about organizations obtained through this website. The exception is the state authorities and special services defined by Russian legislation in this sphere. LLC “Arctic-M” reserves the right to use the information provided through this website for communication with persons and organizations that provided this information.
LLC “Arctic-M” does not prohibit copying and reproducing any materials posted on this site, but asks to indicate the source. Materials received from third parties (for example, photographs of products) are taken from open sources, but belong to these persons and / or sources, and therefore are subject to the relevant, including international, copyright laws.
Denial of Responsibility
In our materials, we try to be as accurate and objective as possible. However, all information presented on this website is for informational purposes only. Any use of it and interpretation is a personal initiative of individuals and / or organisations. LLC “Arctic-M”, as well as its employees, do not take any responsibility for the possible consequences.